Find Your Lost Motivation...
Mar 16, 2023
I just finished watching the Netflix doco on the MH370 plane that literally disappeared and has never been found
Crazy to think that it is possible in this day and age...
They hint at the blame being on the pilot, terrorists and maybe even the government (no spoilers here so don't stress)
It got me thinking today about how some people 'lose' or have their motivation 'disappear' when it comes to eating well and training
Usually the first thing that happens is the blame gets put on work, family and even the government (remember when gyms were illegal for a few years)
Today I want to help you restoke your fire and send your motivation into overdrive...
What should you do when you lose your drive?
Just for the record I am not one of those always driven and excited personal trainers that believes everyone has the same 24 hours in a day and you must embrace the #grind #hustleculture or anything stupid like that
I do know from experience that the easiest things to give up on when life isn't going perfectly or we get extremely busy is the two things that make us handle the stress, the busyness and chaos BETTER...
Exercise and good nutrition...
When things get wild for me I immediately rejig my priorities and look at what exactly it is I want to achieve from the chaotic times
First thing I start with is cleaning up the quick chaos pieces so it literally takes some things off my plate
Second thing is I minimise the 'wasted time' by deleting social media and anything else that is distracting me or adding extra things for me to do
Third thing is I schedule my training weeks in a way that I still get my 4-5 good sessions in BUT I pull back on the intensity a little so that I am not as fatigued from the training but MORE ENERGIZED and CLEAR
Fourth thing I do is add supplements to fill the gaps of what my worse diet will be missing (Usually greens powder and protein is what I focus on)
Fifth thing is I follow the weekly plan I lay out and get the chaos cleaned up ASAP so i get get back to doing what it is I really want to be doing.
I know this looks overly simple on paper and that it is easier said then done but the last piece that I remind myself of is the most powerful part
I want to be a great example to my kids and those who look up to me...
A leader doesn't throw their hands up and smack down KFC when things get hard, a leader steps up and does the work required.
This is the most powerful part that keeps me going amongst the chaos...
Anyway, enough about me...
What do you need to change today to start taking your body to a new level tomorrow?
Talk to you soon
Matt 'Cleaning Up Chaos' Prince
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