Don't Talk About It, be About It...
Mar 16, 2023
You're here because you want growth.
Maybe your goal is to transform your body, gain confidence, dominate your sport or even just build some good habits to support your mental health...
I’ve been trying to find the best way for me to deliver short and sharp nuggets of training wisdom to you and I think I have finally found it.
Whether you are a member of Royale or you saw one of our challenge ads on the net this newsletter is here to give you a weekly dose of what has been going on within the world of Royale and what we have learnt, created and have to share with you for the week
Today's Topic...
"Don't Talk About It, Be About It"
How often do you hear people shouting from the roof tops or posting on Facebook about the awesome thing they are 'going' to do?
When they are doing this they are looking for pats on the back BEFORE they actually achieve anything worth patting them for
I roll with a different mindset, a different set of friends who more often then not do first, talk later.
In todays podcast episode I go into this a little deeper, it could be the 3 mins of fire that you need to hear for the day
You can check it out here
Don't Talk About It // S2 Ep #9
Talk to you soon
Matt 'Do Now, Talk Later' Prince
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